Our Expertise
Platform Revamp
We often carry out a twin-track strategy for such projects.
We don’t discard what works; instead we build around it and create a new framework to correct what doesn’t work.
New Idea. 0 to scale
Infant ideas require a special set of nurturing skills: from discovery and strategy to quick, qualitative execution.
We love navigating teams through unchartered territories.
Digital Transformation
Here... our work lies at the intersection of business processes, human behaviour and technology.
We help organisations design their digital world and manage their own transformation.
Alignment Workshops
Often times projects are stuck due to the lack of cohesion in thinking between the teams involved.
We facilitate relevant workshops to bring everyone on to the same page and steer projects forward.
Select work
Julius Baer - Wealth Management
Elevating Wealth Assessments
product revamp
value proposition
ux & ui design

NHS - Myobs App
Encouraging Patients, Guiding Better Health Decisions
Encouraging Patients, Guiding
Better Health Decisions
value proposition
ux & ui design
True North Managers - Private Equity
Designing an OS for the alternate Investment space
Designing an OS for the alternate
Investment space
digital transformation
ux strategy
platform design

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